Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm glad it's Friday...

Yesterday was such a busy day that I feel like my feet still haven't touched the ground.  Once I decided to sell my books there was always a plan of attack but there were so many things to organise, rearrange, order, change etc in the actual making of the books that I had put off the selling end...some may even say I was stalling.  But after the guillotine arrived and I got my books made - well, it was time to face the music. 

So yesterday I had a meeting with a friend about my idea of taking my books into schools as she is a woman with a huge amount of schooling background, then I sent off some emails asking about stocking my books in a couple of local spots.  I am still recovering today.  I have always been a person who was incredibly afraid to fail.  I know this isn't that unusual but certainly career wise and most definitely art wise I've never taken a chance and put myself out there until the last six months.  I love what I am doing and that makes all the difference but it is stretching me in ways I didn't think were possible!

So - where were we up to before I started down that path?  Oh yes - media stuff.  Yesterday when I did my market spiel I forgot to mention that at the West End Markets something pretty exciting happened in that ABC North West Radio interviewed me along with some other stall holders on the night.  I giggle a lot when I am nervous so if you can put up with that part I think the rest sounds ok!  Here is the link if you are interested.

Hope you have a brilliant weekend!

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