Thursday, February 24, 2011

West End Markets...

Last year FORM started the West End Markets in Glass House Lane, Port Hedland.  It was my first go as a marketeer and trust me when I say I now have a heap more respect for the hardy souls who work these markets.  It was a nervewracking experience and while I didn't sell much I learnt a lot so it was totally worthwhile.  I am looking forward to the first market for this year coming up on Saturday 16 April.  If you want more info on the West End Markets I've popped a link below and below again is an article I wrote leading into the market last year.

The Pibara Echo, 9 October 2010

West End Markets
Living in Hedland is great and artistically speaking things just keep getting better.  I am a new artist and I am studying arts through the TAFE.  Every time I turn around there is a workshop, an event, an opening, a course – so much to do and learn which is fabulous and a lot of fun.
Coming up really soon are the West End Markets on Saturday 23 October in the Courthouse Gallery gardens.  These markets are slightly different from your everyday markets in that they are targeting stall holders who make or produce goods. 
For someone like me this is a dream come true.   How does a new artist get an opportunity to exhibit their stuff without actually holding an exhibition?  How do you get independent public feedback that isn’t from family members, friends or co-students who would do anything to avoid hurting your feelings?   And here is the absolute best bit – they let you do it in groups!  So, not only do I get to put my artwork on display and up for sale but I get to do it with a group of other TAFE people – for this sort of thing safety in numbers is perfect.
Oh – I forgot to mention the other big bit too.  The Silver Star will be up and running by then so not only will there be wonderful arts and crafts to peruse but there will be refreshments to be had as well.  So clearly you need to write this date in your diary right now.  Saturday night (did I mention that they are twilight markets – it just gets better and better), 23 October at the Courthouse Gallery gardens.   If you fancy yourself an art critic make a beeline over to our table – just be gentle with us please!  

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