Woohoo - I am really excited today. Only two days to go to the West End Markets but I nearly have everything under control - famous last words maybe but hopefully not!
What I am really excited about is my new series Families. I have been thinking about this for so long - another TAFE art concept that I've managed to get out of my head, on to lino, on to paper and now into card format. It has made me stop and reconsider my branding again though.
Initially when I started out I thought about whether to make The Pilbara Pixies my focus with the branding or not and I went with that as my focus because that was where all my energy and direction was. Now I have detoured away from that slightly so of course have to widen my branding also.
Makes me realise that as new concepts come up (which they have already) I'll either need to brand everything separately (obviously not a good idea) or create the one over-riding brand - good idea but need something that is really zingy and that isn't going to happen without some more thought.
Good thing I enjoy all this so much or I'd be going nuts by now!
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