Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New tools...

Running an art business is lots of fun but not necessarily a huge money making exercise...yet!  I economise wherever possible which means not buying as many new clothes (easier than I expected) and reusing whatever I can. 

However, recently my carving tools got to the point that I was ripping lino and mdf rather than cutting it so I ordered some more.  They arrived today and I got down to carving.  My oh my, it was sheer bliss and I have to say no matter how hard times get I am never going to use blunt carving tools again.  It was a bit too easy to cut lino though and I had to force myself to slow down a bit because once it is cut there is no going back.

I have had a lovely week because my mum came to stay.  She didn't realise it but every time she hung out the washing or did the dishes it meant that I had a little bit more time to get my own stuff done and for that I am extremely grateful. 

She also shocked me senseless by buying quite a bit of my work.  I am quite used to people wanting to buy stuff off me now but not so much and all at once.  I got really embarrassed and tried to explain that she was under no obligation to buy anything.  She reassured  me that she did actually want the stuff so there you go. 

I know it sounds weird - if I am going to stay in business I do need to sell stuff.  I just don't like people feeling forced into buying stuff - I even hesitate to give my art as a gift because I am worried that people will then feel obliged to hang it etc when they don't want to.  Clearly I have to get over this - that or find a good salesperson to spruke on my behalf!

So perhaps along with my new carving tools I need to develop some new mental tools and step up to the sales pitch line.  Not over it mind you, never over it - I can't stand pushy sales people.  But if I don't take the sales opportunities when they present themselves perhaps I am really only selling myself short. 

Photo courtesy of Elise Batchelor

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