Sunday, August 7, 2011


So much is going through my head at the moment it is a wonder it doesn't explode.  Unfortunately I have been a bit sick lately so my poor body isn't keeping up with my brain...not a bad thing really as then I probably would actually explode. 

The thing is I have a hard time setting limits on myself and I have a hard time relaxing.  Particularly because my work is self determined and self income generating.  I come up with the ideas and implement them which is great fun and I love it.  But I tend to put unrealistic demands on myself as to how quickly I can get work done and really all that then does is stress me. 

So today, being Sunday, I am officially 'off'.  As much as I would love to get stuck into heaps of different things I am actually just going to make a coffee, eat some chocolate and sit out the front and admire my sea view.  Sure my thought processes will eventually swing back around to 'business' but in the meantime relaxation is the order of the day.

Before I go here is a sneaky peak at the first finished image for Yellow - the latest Pilbara Pixies book.  Seriously - no wonder I can't stop working!!

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